As the founder and senior pastor of Dunamis International
Gospel Centre (DIGC) in Abuja, Nigeria with over 20,000
congregation in five services every Sunday.
More than 20 years in ministry, with the power and
presence of the living Christ; demonstrating Jesus Christ
as the loving, living, saving, healing son of God.
Formerly a practicing medical doctor, then he received the
vision for Dunamis International Gospel Center in 1996.
Endowed with the double edged gift of scientific
knowledge as a medical doctor and anointed of God, by a
heavy power to save, heal, deliver. Thus, bringing hope to
the hopeless and giving them a reason to fulfill destiny; as
the set man of the house.
A publisher of The SEEDS OF DESTINY, a monthly
daily devotional publication that impacts lives.
He has written several life transforming books and is the
host of a household television and radio program titled
DESTINY ENCOUNTER which has been a healing balm
and source of inspiration to millions of people. He has
passion for youths, and is a well sought-after speaker by
government and various organizations. Dr. Paul is known
for ruggedness in the delivery of raw, undiluted word of
truth. His compassion for the sick and oppressed is evident
in the manner which leads him; setting people free
through the power of God. His ministry is wrapped with
the passion for restoring Human Destiny and dignity. A
mentorship to men with his exceptional wife Dr. Becky,
with four beautiful Children resident in Abuja Nigeria.
The Ministry
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to
become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the
flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:1.
But ye shall receive power (Dunamis), after that the Holy
Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me
both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and
unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8
In ACTS 1:8, Dunamis is the Greek word for power. It
means miraculous power and intense ability. Dunamis is a
power source that reproduces itself without diminishing in
The Ministry was named Dunamis International Gospel
Centre, in response to God's divine instruction given to the
set man of the house -Dr. Paul Enenche.
The Mission
To propagate the earth with the knowledge of the
glory of the Lord as the water covers the sea.
The Vision
To manifest the reality of the Almightiness of God's
power to our generation, by the restoration of
Human Destiny and Dignity.
The Goal
We want to fill the earth with divine influence and
The goal is to have every member of the
commission filled with God's evident power to save,
heal and lift people everywhere they are found. Isa
27:6, Gen. 1:28.
Our Scope
The whole earth is our scope. Starting from our
Jerusalem, we are set to spread to the uttermost
part of the earth as God leads per time. Dunamis
International Gospel Centre already has outreaches
established around the African continent, UK and
USA. We are still spreading with the fire and
mission committed into our hands.
The Belief
Many have heard the gospel, but need to see God in
action, therefore, we celebrate the power and
presence of God demonstrated in the lives of His
children, through the very many signs and wonders
that characterizes our meetings. Mark 16:20
The Call and History
It was 3-days to the end of May, 1996, in Jos
Plateau , State, Nigeria and a young doctor was at a
cross road to what-next-to-do-with-his-life. He had
to choose rather:
To relocate to London with his beautiful wife who is
also a doctor,
To go and step up his medical qualification in a
prestigious university,
To take two other attractive medical appointments
within the country, To . . . It was a period of great
restlessness for this young doctor and so he decided
to take out time and seek God's face to help him get
off the cross road dilemma. And so he journeyed to
a mountain, at the outskirts of Jos to talk to God.
At the end of three days without food and water, he
came down from the mountain with a clear vision
of exactly what he was to do with his life.
He had been instructed to put aside his medical
certificate and go to the city of Abuja and start a
gospel outreach that will be to heal, save and
deliver people in his name. A Ministry to restore
human destiny and dignity. On getting home, his
young wife who was NURSING their few-months
old first baby had also taken out time to do a six-to-
six fast and prayer for her husband. The spirit of
God told her exactly what He told him, confirming
the call.
In November 1996, six months after the call, Dr.
Pastor Paul Enenche and his wife Dr. Mrs. Becky
Enenche left every plan they had made for their
lives and moved to Abuja. Like Abraham, they
knew no body and no place, but obeying the Lord
was paramount to them, and so, they proceeded to
commence the instruction given to them. Today,
that is the basis for the May convention that the
church organizes every Month of May - The
Destiny Recovery Convention - characterized by
Gods presence to set people free and help them
through cross-roads of life.
First Sunday Service
Dunamis International Gospel Centre was
established on the 10th of November 1996. And the
first Sunday service was held at Abuja Centre for
Arts and Culture (First Floor) Area 10.
Church service was held there for 2weeks and the
church later moved to Abuja Sheraton Hotel &
Towers, where the church worshipped for about 6
months. The church moved to her present site in
June, 1997, less than a year after the ministry
Pastor Dr. Becky Enenche
Image A native of Ikachi, Oju Local
Government, Benue Nigeria
remarkable teacher and
conference speaker who shows
God's love to others. Called of
God to ministry alongside her
husband Dr. Paul, she co-
pastors Dunamis International
Gospel Centre (DIGC) and is
also the senior pastor of one of
the fastest growing satellite
branches in Abuja, Nigeria.
Dr. Becky has a wide spread
influence in both ministry and
the education industry.
She serves as the Proprietress of Dunamis
International School, a world-class Christian
School that raise children in the fear and wisdom of
God. The school runs day-care services, crèche,
nursery and primary classes, with branches in
several other Nigerian States.
Her ever- ready smile laced with words of kindness
warms the hearts of those that come across her.
Her passion to help others is very evident through
her lifestyle of service and great humility. She
founded the Women Ministry at DIGC to promote
unity and help women become better daughters,
sisters, mothers and role models.
A former practicing medical doctor - Dr. Becky,
ministers passionately to the sick and is also
endowed with the anointing to heal the sick and
help the depressed. She has a heart for young
people and is currently playing mentorship role to
young women who do not have mother-figures in their lives.
Above all, she supports her husband in ministry and in raising Godly children is her primary assignment. She is a mother of four beautiful
children and makes out time to be with the children as much as possible.
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